Conference Hotels

Our Free Service

There is no charge for our service. We are paid by the hotels we use, but will always get the best rates possible for our clients.

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This is how our free service works:

  • You email or telephone us and provide outline details of your event.
  • Having discussed your requirements with you, we recommend a short list of hotels/venues we believe would be suitable for your event. These are provided to you in a proposal that is emailed to you within 1 – 2 working days.
  • The proposal will confirm the availability at each of the chosen venues, provide a short description of the style of the property and its facilities. We will also set out details of the preferential rates we are able to provide.
  • Throughout this process you will have one dedicated contact who understands your requirements and is able to provide you with a bespoke service.
  • If you have time, we will arrange a viewing of each of your chosen Hotels/Venues so you can see the facilities for yourself.
  • Once the decision is made, we confirm the booking on your behalf and remain in contact with you and the Hotel to ensure the event runs smoothly.
  • We follow up with you after the event and take note of all feedback for the benefit of all our clients and future events.

Call us on 07831 862 797 to see how we can help.